Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

59 Condition Explanation 172 All planting required to be undertaken under Condition 171 shall: a. Use plants which are ecosourced from the Coromandel or Bay of Plenty Ecological Region; and b. Use seed collected locally and germinated and raised at a New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated (NZPPI)-accredited nursery. 173 All planting required to be undertaken under Condition 171 shall be subject to annual maintenance, including regular releasing of plants from weeds and replacement of plants that do not survive. Any species that consistently fails shall be replaced with an alternative similar species listed as suitable for that purpose in the certified Vegetation Restoration Management Plan required by Condition C38. The maintenance period must commence following pioneer planting and may end 5 years following the completion of enrichment planting in the Planting Area. Except that Condition 173 does not apply to Buffer Planting of the Coromandel Forest Edge shown in Figure A annexed as Attachment 7 to these conditions. Terrestrial Biodiversity Offset Area Specific Requirements 174 The Waihi Biodiversity Offset Area, Waihi Biodiversity Offset Enhancement Area, and Vent Shaft Offset Area must be managed to achieve the biodiversity attribute values (e.g. canopy height, canopy cover and species richness) specified for those areas in the tables annexed as Attachment 8 to these conditions. This shall include implementing any additional management actions deemed necessary by any 5 yearly Offset Monitoring report submitted in accordance with Condition 176. 175 The Consent Holder must commission a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist to undertake offset monitoring of the Waihi Biodiversity Offset Area, Waihi Biodiversity Offset Enhancement Area, and Vent Shaft Offset Area to determine the success of the modelled offset outcomes and that the Biodiversity Attributes specified in the tables annexed as Attachment 8 to these conditions for each Planting Area are being achieved. The Terrestrial Offset Monitoring must commence five years after the canopy species have been planted in a Planting Area and at 5-yearly intervals for at least 20 years.