Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

58 Area Objective Treatment Timeframe Screen Planting To screen temporary stockpiles and Northern Rock Stack from Golden Valley Road. Establishment of fast growing native planting. Planting complete within the first planting season following the commencement of the consent Other Terrestrial Planting on OGNZL owned land General ecological and landscape enhancement Stock exclusion; Site preparation; Standard mass planting using native pioneer species; Enrichment with WF11 future canopy species once the pioneer plantings have reached a sufficient size to shelter enrichment species; Weed control. Mammalian pest control As soon as practicable but no more than 10 years following commencement of activities within Areas 5, 6 or 7. Other Terrestrial Planting on land owned by others General ecological and landscape enhancement Stock exclusion; Site preparation; Standard mass planting using native pioneer species; Enrichment with WF11 future canopy species once the pioneer plantings have reached a sufficient size to shelter enrichment species; Weed control. Mammalian pest control As soon as practicable but no more than 10 years following commencement of activities within Areas 5, 6 or 7.