Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

52 Condition Explanation c. The balance of the fund. Ecology and Landscape – Areas 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 171 (a) Subject to (b) the Consent Holder must plant each Planting Area identified in the Landscape and Ecology Mitigation Plans annexed as Attachment 7 to these conditions in accordance with the table below, unless natural conditions result in poor seed production, or poor seed condition which adversely limits seedling propagation for indigenous plant species and unviability of suitable seedlings. Should there be a delay in the completion of planting reflected in the timeframe set out in the table below due to the availability of suitable seedlings, the Consent Holder shall provide the Hauraki District Council with an amended timeframe within which pioneer and enrichment planting shall occur. This timeframe shall not exceed four planting seasons. The Consent Holder shall complete the planting as soon as reasonably possible within the agreed timeframe and shall inform the Hauraki District Council when planting is complete. (b) The Consent Holder shall complete planting in all Planting Areas in Attachment 7 including on land which is not within its ownership unless despite best endeavours landowner approval has not been provided and evidence of this is provided to the Hauraki District Council.