Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

51 Condition Explanation ii. Advice as to specific measures that have already been implemented, or are intended to be implemented to address the failure to achieve the management targets and / or management thresholds; and iii. Whether there should be amendments made to the PAMP which would better assist the Consent Holder in meeting the objectives of the Plan. A copy of the Annual Archey’s Frog Monitoring Report shall also be provided to the Department of Conservation. Archey’s Frog Research Fund 166 Within 3 months of the commencement of this consent, the Consent Holder shall establish a fund to provide financial support for researchers to undertake investigations into the efficacy of different predator control strategies and techniques to improve populations of Archey’s frogs, and for the further development of methods to assess the efficacy for frogs of predator control generally. These conditions lock in the environmental compensation identified as appropriate in Dr Graham Ussher’s report. At present they contemplate the fund being administered by OGNZL. OGNZL is investigating options for the fund being administered by a relevant independent body. 167 The Consent Holder shall provide written confirmation to the Hauraki District Council of the funding deed and account within 10 working days of it being established. 168 The Consent Holder shall place in the fund account: a $25,000 when it is first established under Condition 166; b. $25,000 annually thereafter for the duration of this consent. The Consent Holder shall provide written confirmation that Condition 168 has been satisfied within 10 working days of each time when funds are placed in the account. 169 The monies in the fund shall be allocated in accordance with Condition 166. 170 The Consent Holder shall provide a report to the Hauraki District Council, annually on the anniversary of the establishment of the fund required in accordance with Conditions 166 - 168 that sets out: a. The activities which have been funded in the previous year and how those activities are intended to contribute to the matters set out in Condition 166; b. Any funding committed for the coming year; and