Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

50 Condition Explanation 161 The Consent Holder must implement the certified PAMP. 162 The Consent Holder must commence on the ground pest management within the WAPMA in accordance with the PAMP at least 18 months prior to the Consent Holder beginning stoping at the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine. 163 The Consent Holder must continue pest control within the WAPMA in accordance with the PAMP until: a. Two years after the completion of development and production blasting activities within the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine; or b. Monitoring undertaken in accordance with the certified PAMP shows Archey’s frog numbers within the WAPMA are no lower than would be expected in this area had the mining activity not occurred considering frog numbers in nearby habitat which was unaffected by blasting vibration; whichever is longer. 164 The PAMP is to be an adaptive document. It may be updated by the Consent Holder at any time provided that prior to doing so further consultation and collaboration occurs with the Department of Conservation. Any updated provisions must not be implemented until the updated PAMP has been re-certified by the Hauraki District Council. Reporting 165 The Consent Holder shall submit an Annual Archey’s Frog Monitoring Report to the Hauraki District Council. The report shall cover the period [month] to [month] and shall be provided to the Hauraki District Council by [insert date] each year. The Annual Archey’s Frog Monitoring Report shall be prepared by a suitably qualified ecologist and must include, but need not be limited to: a. A description of how the PAMP has been implemented during the year. Where aspects of the PAMP have not been implemented in accordance with expected timeframes, the Report shall include the reasons why, and the reasonably practicable measures that have been taken by the Consent Holder or are intended to be taken by the Consent Holder to address the failure to meet those milestones. b. An assessment of the effectiveness of the PAMP in achieving its objectives and management targets. Where the report identifies that the management targets and / or management thresholds have not been achieved the Report shall include: i. The reasons why the management targets have not yet been achieved;