Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

49 Condition Explanation f. Specific and measurable management targets for at least the following: i. Mice; ii. Rats; iii. Possums; iv. Mustelids; v. Feral cats; and vi Ungulates; g. Monitoring requirements to determine whether the management targets are being achieved; h. Provision for outcome monitoring of Archey’s frog conducted following the onset of the pest management measures. This monitoring shall be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with Condition 163 (b); and i. An adaptive management approach which triggers modification of pest management measures where monitoring shows the management targets are not being achieved. 157 Prior to submitting the Archey’s Frog PAMP to the Hauraki District Council for certification, the Consent Holder must provide the Department of Conservation with an opportunity to participate in a collaborative workshop with the Consent Holder to discuss a draft of the PAMP (Draft PAMP). Conditions 157 – 160 provide a formal mechanism which ensures DoC has input into the PAMP. 158 If the Department of Conservation agrees to participate in a workshop: a. The Consent Holder must provide a copy of the Draft PAMP to the Department of Conservation at least 10 days before the workshop; b. The Consent Holder must circulate a record of the workshop discussions to the Department of Conservation within 5 working days of the completion of the workshop; and c. The Department of Conservation must be given an opportunity to provide written feedback to the Consent Holder on the Draft PAMP within 15 working days of the completion of the workshop. 159 If the Department of Conservation declines the opportunity to participate in a collaborative workshop, the Consent Holder must provide a copy of the Draft PAMP to the Department, and they must be given 15 working days to provide written feedback to the Consent Holder on its content. 160 The Consent Holder must ensure that all written feedback received from the Department of Conservation on the Draft PAMP is provided to the Hauraki District Council when the PAMP is submitted for certification, along with a clear explanation of where any comment made on the Draft PAMP has or has not been incorporated into the PAMP and the reasons why.