Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

48 Condition Explanation perimeter fencing themselves), unless the Hauraki District Council has given prior written approval for the item(s) to remain. Area 1 – Archey’s Frog Specific Conditions Advice Note: Condition 30 of this consent specifies a consent limit for allowable vibration within Area 1. That condition limits the vibration from the authorised activity to the levels which were assumed when assessing the potential effects of the activity on Archey’s frogs. The conditions below are those considered appropriate to avoid, remedy, mitigate or offset effects on Archey's frogs assuming vibration is managed in accordance with Condition 30. Wharekirauponga Animal Pest Management Area 154 The Consent Holder shall undertake pest management over an area of at least 632 hectares in the Wharekirauponga Animal Pest Management Area (WAPMA) shown in the figure annexed as Attachment 6 to this consent. These conditions require the Consent Holder to undertake pest control over the 632 ha area identified in Dr Helen Blakie’s report. 155 The objectives of the pest management required by Condition 154 shall be to achieve a net gain in Archey’s frogs within the WAPMA by managing pest animals, excluding pest invertebrates (other than wasps) and herpetofauna, in accordance with specific targets, as measured by residual trap catches, or other pest density indices. 156 At least 30 months prior to the commencement of stoping at the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine the Consent Holder shall submit an Wharekirauponga Pest Animal Management Plan (PAMP) which sets out how it will achieve Conditions 154 and 155 to the Hauraki District Council for certification. At minimum, the Archey’s Frog PAMP must include: a. The area expected to be affected by < 2 millimetres per second of vibration under the proposed mine plan; b. The defined boundaries of the area where pest management will be undertaken; c. A detailed programme of activity for the first 3 years from the activities authorised by this consent; d. Any land authorisations required from the Department of Conservation to enable the pest management to be undertaken; e. Provision for further monitoring Archey’s frogs prior to commencement of pest management in the WAPMA to establish a relevant baseline;