Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

47 Condition Explanation management of Kauri Dieback Disease that occur after the Plan is approved. 144 The Consent Holder must implement the certified CFP KDMP. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the CFP KDMP the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Area 1 - Chytrid fungus 145 The Consent Holder will adhere to the national Frog Hygiene Protocol annexed as Attachment 5 to this consent, or any future updates thereof, to minimise the possible spread of chytrid fungus and other pathogens to, within and between the Coromandel Forest Park. Area 1 - Fuel and lubricants 146 All fuel must be stored in safe, secure containers/tanks that have secondary containment. Note, this does not cover the use of portable jerry cans which are necessary for refuelling in emergency situations. 147 A spill kit must be held on site at all times and used immediately should a fuel or lubricant spill occur. 148 Any fuel or lubricant spill above ground which is greater than 20 litres must be reported to the Hauraki District Council and Department of Conservation at the earliest opportunity including the amount spilled, remedial action undertaken, and any further actions required to fully remediate the site. Area 1 - Fire and risk management 149 The Consent Holder must minimise the risk of fire at all times, including when “at camp”. 150 A fire extinguisher must be on site during vent raise construction activities at any site and at all times. Area 1 - Waste disposal and toilets 151 Self-contained toilets/ “portaloos” must be provided for staff at all times to ensure the containment of human waste. 152 All waste and effluent must be removed from Area 1 and disposed of at an appropriate facility during and upon the completion of vent raise construction activities. Area 1 - Removal of Material 153 At the completion of the vent raise construction activities the Consent Holder will remove from each site all materials including rubbish, equipment and structures associated with the vent raise construction activities (except the vent evasées, supporting foundations and