Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

46 Condition Explanation 138 The Consent Holder must not refuel aircraft or leave any fuel drums or construct any fuel dumps within the Coromandel Forest Park, unless in an emergency situation. Area 1 - Weed and Pest Control 139 The Consent Holder must ensure that all equipment to be used for all vent raise construction activities allowed for by this consent are clean and free of any exotic weed and seed material prior to entry to the site. 140 The Consent Holder must control any exotic weeds present within the vent raise construction sites and for a period of two years following the completion of vent raise construction activities under this consent. Area 1 Kauri Dieback Management Plan 141 At least 20 working days prior to undertaking any activities in Area 1 within any Kauri Contamination Zone, the Consent Holder will submit a Coromandel Forest Park Kauri Dieback Management Plan (CFP KDMP) to the Hauraki District Council for certification that it contains actions and methods designed to meet the objective specified in Condition 142 below and includes the information required by Condition 143. 142 The objective of the CFP KDMP is to set out the procedures to be used to prevent the activities authorised under this consent in the Coromandel Forest Park causing the introduction and/or spread of Kauri Dieback Disease. 143 The CFP KDMP must: a. Describe methods for establishing and demarcating Kauri Contamination Zone(s); b. Describe methods for holding, cleaning and treating the collected soil from personnel and equipment in Kauri Contamination Zone(s) and releasing personnel and equipment from Kauri Contamination Zone(s); c. Describe methods for ensuring soil is removed from all footwear, tools, clothing and equipment when: i. entering or exiting a Kauri Contamination Zone; or ii. moving from one Kauri Contamination Zone to another Kauri Contamination Zone; or iii. entering a stream system in a Kauri Contamination Zone. d. Describe the express circumstances (if any) where an exemption to any of the above requirements applies; e. Describe surveillance methods for detecting kauri dieback at a worksite before it manifests in trees; and f. Describe methods for updating the Plan in the event of significant changes in scientific knowledge relating to the effective