Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

45 Condition Explanation Council and Department of Conservation which provides documentary evidence of how the activity was undertaken in a manner which complied with Condition 129. Management of Terrestrial Invertebrates 131 If any Paua slug (Schizoglossa novoseelandica) and/or ‘At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ invertebrates listed in the Department of Conservation’s Threat Classification Lists ( are discovered during any ecological survey(s) required by Condition 124 or during any vegetation clearance, then they must be salvaged prior to and/or during any vegetation clearance and released into similar habitat assessed by a suitably qualified ecologist at a distance no less than 50 m beyond the site. Rehabilitation 132 No trees may be removed from the land as they must be used by the Consent Holder for the purposes of onsite restoration. Area 1 - Public Access, Awareness and Safety 133 Prior to the commencement of construction at each vent raise site, clear signage and/or markers must be erected around the site to avoid members of the public accidentally accessing the site while construction activities are occurring. 134 The Consent Holder must ensure that all visitors to the Wharekirauponga Track are fully aware of the hazards associated with the vent raise construction activities by placing track notices approved by the Hauraki District Council and Department of Conservation at the entrance to the Wharekirauponga Track and at the Kauaeranga Visitor Centre at least two days prior to the commencement of construction activities. Area 1 - Aircraft 135 The Consent Holder must ensure that aircraft landing/hovering zones are maintained to ensure public safety. If the Consent Holder cannot have personnel present on the vent raise sites during helicopter hovers and/or landings, then notices advising the public of the hazards associated with the helicopter hovers and/or landings must be erected on the site. 136 The Consent Holder and any pilot of an aircraft authorised by this consent must hold the applicable aviation document and privileges to conduct the construction activities under the Civil Aviation Rules and will comply with Civil Aviation law. 137 The Consent Holder must ensure that aircraft idle times on the ground are kept to a practicable minimum.