Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

44 Condition Explanation 123 If one or more Coromandel striped gecko (Toropuku “Coromandel”) or five or more ’At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ frogs, or five or more ’At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ lizards are found within the proposed vent raise site immediately prior to, or during vegetation clearance then all vent raise construction activities at the site will immediately cease and alternative site(s) shall be selected. 124 If four or less ‘At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ frogs, or four or more ’At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ lizards are found on a proposed vent raise site immediately prior to, or during vegetation clearance then they will be salvaged and moved to suitable habitat as assessed by the onsite herpetologist. The release site(s) will be at least 100m away from the vent raise site and a fence which meets the requirements of the Fencing Plan annexed as Attachment 4 to this consent will be erected around the vent raise site to prevent herpetofauna from returning to the site(s). The fence will remain erected until the construction of the vent raise is complete. 125 The Consent Holder will provide the Hauraki District Council and Department of Conservation with the details of any Coromandel striped gecko (Toropuku “Coromandel”) found and any other ‘At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ frogs or lizards found and relocated and the NZTM coordinates of the release site(s) within 20 working days. 126 The Consent Holder shall erect a fence(s) around any sump(s) or site(s) containing sump(s) which meets the requirements of the Fencing Plan annexed as Attachment 4 to this consent. The fence(s) will remain erected until the sump(s) have been removed and the sump site(s) rehabilitated. 127 The Consent Holder must minimise trampling and disturbance of herpetofauna and their habitat by using the same marked access routes for access to, and between the sites. Management of Avifauna 128 If vegetation clearance undertaken between August and March, trees within the clearance area shall be surveyed for active bird nests within 24 hours of planned felling. If active bird nests are detected, trees should not be felled until the nest is vacated or failed. Management of Bats 129 All vegetation clearance shall be undertaken in accordance with the methodology specified in: Protocols for minimising the risk of felling bat roosts (Bat Roost Protocols) (BRP)) Version 2: October 2021 approved by the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s Bat Recovery Group, or alternative method agreed to in writing by the Hauraki District Council. 130 Within 20 days of the completion of vegetation clearance at any vent shaft site the Consent Holder must provide a report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced professional to the Hauraki District