Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

43 Condition Explanation and site area in ha), the number of frogs and lizards observed and all biometric data collected (SVL, weight, habitat used etc.), weather conditions prior to and at time of survey (at a minimum; mm of rain in the previous 24 hours, mm of rain during time of survey, air temperature, moisture on ground and vegetation (wet, damp or dry) and relative humidity) and a discussion of the results and any limitations to the data. Vegetation clearance and site disturbance 117 The Consent Holder must ensure that vegetation clearance at each vent raise site does not exceed a total area of 144 square metres and must minimise ground disturbance and damage to vegetation to only that necessary to accommodate the required equipment. 118 All topsoil, felled trees, slash and other leafy materials must be kept on or adjacent to the site and stockpiled in such a manner that they can be restored to the site in any areas around the vent raises which are disturbed during construction of the vent raises once construction is complete and / or following removal of the vent raises at mine closure. 119 When removal of vegetation occurs, the Consent Holder must ensure that it is undertaken in a manner that minimises the impacts on the surrounding vegetation and that best practice tree felling techniques are used at all times, including: a. No felling of trees into waterways; and b. Where possible, vegetation should be trimmed or tied back in such a way that the removal of trees is minimised. Management of “At Risk” and/or ‘Threatened Flora’ 120 If any Pterostylis puberula, Pretrostylis tasmanica or king fern Ptisana salicina individuals are found during ecological surveys required by Condition 114, then they must be translocated to a suitable alternative site containing similar light, soil and vegetation community characteristics as determined by a suitably qualified botanist. The Hauraki District Council and Department of Conservation will be notified of GPS information and/or NZTM coordinates of the transfer location within 20 working days of the transfer occurring. 121 The transfer of any Pterostylis puberula and/or Pterostylis tasmanica must include a minimum 30cm diameter ‘clump’ of soil around the roots (to protect root structure and to retain any mycorrhizal associations). Management of ‘At Risk’ and/or ‘Threatened’ Herpetofauna during vegetation clearance 122 A suitably qualified ecologist must be present onsite during vegetation clearance to survey habitat refugia for native lizards and frogs.