Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

42 Condition Explanation f. If the exclusion fence has been in place for less than six months and maintained in good condition during that time; g. If, the exclusion fence has been in place for more than six months: i. It meets the requirements for a "long term exclusion fence’ in the Fencing Plan annexed as Attachment 4 to this consent; or ii. A further ecological survey has been completed in accordance with Condition 114 which finds no at ‘At Risk’ or ‘Threatened’ frogs or lizards within the fenced area; and h. The vent raise site can be established: i. without damaging any vegetation equal to or greater than 50cm diameter at breast height; and ii. without damaging any ‘At Risk’ and/or ‘Threatened’ plants as listed in the Department of Conservation’s most recent Threat Classification List ( unless the Consent Holder has obtained written permission from the Hauraki District Council to disturb vegetation that does not meet these requirements. For the purposes of this condition “diameter at breast height” means the diameter of a tree when measured 1.4 metres above ground level. On sloping ground, the ‘above ground level’ reference point is the highest point on the ground touching the trunk. If the diameter at breast height falls on a swelling in the trunk the measurement should be taken directly below the swelling at the point where the diameter is the smallest. Vent Raise Siting and Preclearance Report 116 At least 10 working days prior to the commencement of vegetation clearance and vent raise construction at a site, the Consent Holder must provide the Hauraki District Council a Vent Raise Siting and Preclearance Report which: a. confirms the location of the vent raise site and the expected duration of construction at that vent raise site; and b. provides documentary evidence that the vent raise site satisfies Condition 115 (a) to (h), including: i. The findings of the full ecological survey(s) required by Condition 114, including the GPS information and/or NZTM coordinates of any Archey’s frog (Leiopelma archeyi) and/or Hochstetter’s frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) found; and ii. A description of systematic search methods used, survey timing (date and time of day) and effort (number of person hours/site