Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

41 Condition Explanation 114 Prior to undertaking any vegetation clearance at a proposed 12m x 12m vent shaft site, an ecological survey of a 20m x 20m plot centred on the site must be undertaken by suitably qualified ecologist(s), including a suitably qualified herpetologist. The purpose of the ecological survey(s) is to provide a general description of the wildlife and vegetation present, including all species of flora and fauna present and the number, size (height and diameter at breast height) and estimated age of mature canopy and emergent trees. The ecological survey must be undertaken: a. For Archey’s Frog between the months of March and September inclusive (i.e. outside the Archey’s frog breeding season); b. Over three separate nights and three separate days for lizards during climatic conditions that maximise the chance of lizard emergence; and c. Over three separate nights for frogs during climatic conditions that maximise the chance of native frog emergence. 115 The Consent Holder may only clear vegetation and establish a vent raise on a site if all of the following apply: a. An ecological survey of the site has been completed in accordance with Condition 114; and b. The ecological survey finds no Coromandel striped gecko (Toropuku “Coromandel”) within the site; and c. The ecological survey finds no more than: i. four “At Risk” or “Threatened” frogs; or ii. four “At Risk” or “Threatened” lizards; within the site; and d. For any at risk or threatened frog which is located within the survey area: i. Its location has been marked and recorded with biodegradable flagging tape and GPS to give an error of no more than ± 20 m; and ii. A minimum buffer of 6m where no vegetation clearance may occur has been imposed around the ‘At Risk’ frog found during the ecological surveys; and e. An exclusion fence which meets the requirements of the Fencing Plan annexed as Attachment 4 to this consent is erected around the proposed vent shaft site within 5 days after the final frog survey being completed (i.e. after the 3rd night); and