Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

39 Condition Explanation i. The reasons why the performance indicators have not yet been achieved; ii. Advice as to specific measures that have already been implemented, or are intended to be implemented to address the failure to achieve performance indicators; and iii. Whether there should be amendments made to the Workforce Accommodation Strategy which would better assist the Consent Holder in meeting the objective of the Strategy. Social Impacts Management Plan 107 The Consent Holder shall engage a suitably qualified and independent social impact specialist to update the Social Impact Management Plan (“SIMP”) certified under the conditions of Land Use Consent LUC 202.2018.00000857.001 so that it also covers the Waihi North Project. The updated SIMP shall be provided to the Hauraki District Council for certification at least 20 working days prior to prior to works commencing under this consent. The Consent Holder is required to maintain and implement a Social Impact Management Plan under the conditions of its existing resource consents from Hauraki District Council for mining activities. These conditions are intended to complement those conditions. 108 The purpose of the SIMP shall be to provide an updateable framework to identify, assess, monitor, manage and re-assess the social effects (positive and negative) of the mining projects undertaken by the Consent Holder in the area, on the community and to also provide a biennial report on the outcomes of this work. 109 The SIMP shall be based on best practice guidelines and procedures for social impact assessment and shall include a set of indicators covering the drivers and outcomes of potential social effects attributable to mining activities authorised as part of this consent in combination with the other mining projects undertaken by the Consent Holder in Waihi. This may include: a. Numbers employed in the mine operations – OGNZL and contractors (“workers”); b. Location of mine workers residing locally, regionally and beyond; c. Workers’ housing (rental vs owner occupied, new builds and existing houses); d. Location and number of OGNZL owned houses in Waihi and breakdown between employee / contractor renters and public renters; e. Changes in housing market using publicly available data – house and rent prices and relationship to mine operations, including variations or trends in property sales and enquiries;