Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

38 Condition Explanation 103 The objective of the Workforce Accommodation Strategy is to reduce the extent to which the activities authorised by this consent contribute to any local accommodation shortages. 104 The Workforce Accommodation Strategy must include, but need not be limited to: a. An analysis of the local and regional housing and accommodation in Waihi and the surrounding environs; b. An analysis of workforce requirements for the activities authorised by this consent and any projected population changes attributable to those activities, including an estimate of workers and their households who may live in, or move to, local or regional communities; c. An assessment of the accommodation capacity in the local and regional community to accommodate the workforce, including the long and short term housing market and seasonal impacts; and d. Measures to be implemented over the life of the project to manage the impact of the project workforce on local accommodation based on the outcomes of (c); e. The monitoring, reporting and review process for the Plan over the life of the project. 105 The Consent Holder must implement the certified Workforce Accommodation Strategy and shall report on progress within the Annual Report required by Condition 106. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the Workforce Accommodation Strategy the conditions of this consent shall prevail. 106 The Consent Holder shall provide an annual report to the Hauraki District Council 12 months after the Hauraki District Council certifies the Workforce Accommodation Strategy under Condition 102, and annually thereafter, which reports on: a. The implementation of Workforce Accommodation Strategy. b. Where aspects of the Workforce Accommodation Strategy have not been implemented in accordance with expected timeframes, the Report shall include the reasons why, and the reasonably practicable measures that have been taken by the Consent Holder, or are intended to be taken by the Consent Holder to address the failure to meet those milestones; c. The effectiveness of the Workforce Accommodation Strategy in achieving its objective and performance indicators. Where the report identifies that the performance indicators have not been achieved, the report shall include: