Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

37 Condition Explanation Training Action Plan under Condition 95, and annually thereafter, which reports on: a. The activities of the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group; b. The development of the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan; c. The implementation of Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan. Where aspects of the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan have not been implemented in accordance with expected timeframes, the Report shall include the reasons why, and the reasonably practicable measures that have been taken by the Consent Holder in partnership with the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group, or are intended to be taken by the Consent Holder in partnership Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group to address the failure to meet those milestones; d. The effectiveness of the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan in achieving its objective and performance indicators. Where the report identifies that the performance indicators have not been achieved or maintained the Report shall include: i. The reasons why the performance indicators have not yet been achieved; ii. Advice as to specific measures that have already been implemented, or are intended to be implemented to address the failure to achieve performance indicators; and iii. Whether there should be amendments made to the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan which would better assist the Consent Holder and Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group in meeting the objectives of the Plan. Workforce Accommodation Strategy 102 The Consent Holder must prepare and implement a Workforce Accommodation Strategy for the activities authorised by this consent. At least 20 working days prior to works commencing under this consent the Consent Holder must submit the Workforce Accommodation Strategy to the Hauraki District Council for certification that: a. The Workforce Accommodation Strategy includes actions, methods and monitoring programmes designed to achieve the objective in Condition 103; and b. As a minimum the Workforce Accommodation Strategy meets the information requirements in and gives effect to the matters set out in Condition 104.