Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

35 Condition Explanation a. A summary of the known site history, identified HAIL areas and expected contamination conditions as well as the investigation methodology for sampling to be undertaken prior to works commencing in the identified HAIL areas; b. The contaminated land-related soil management requirements; and c. The contaminated land-related procedures to guide contractors in materials management, reuse, disposal, health and safety and response to unexpected contamination encounters. 92 The Consent Holder must ensure that all soil disturbance activities are undertaken in general accordance with the certified Site Management Plan. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the Site Management Plan the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Social Impact Assessment Conditions Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan 93 The Consent Holder must establish and implement a Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan in partnership with a Waihi Skills Development Training and Action Group in accordance with Conditions 94 to 101 of this consent. 94 The Consent Holder must within 6 months of the commencement of this consent invite the following to participate in a Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group, the purpose of which is to oversee the development and implementation of Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Plan in partnership with the Consent Holder: a. Relevant secondary education providers; b. Relevant tertiary education providers; c. Relevant transitional industry training organisations; d. Representatives from the Waikato Regional Council and Hauraki District Council; and e. Relevant government agencies. 95 Subject to some or all of the groups listed in Condition 94 agreeing to participate, the Consent Holder shall convene the first meeting of the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group within 12 months of the commencement of this consent. Thereafter, the Group shall determine the frequency of meetings and how it will meet the requirements set out within Condition 94. There is no requirement for the Consent Holder to contribute to the costs of any group’s participation in the Waihi Skills Development and Training Action Group.