Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

34 Condition Explanation i. Management of aggregate cartage routes, including any necessary measures relating to the use of Crean Road by heavy vehicles travelling to and from the Mine Site via Baxter Road; j. Identification and provision of adequate on-site parking for project duration to ensure compliance with Condition 84; k. Measures to manage the bussing of shift workers to Area 2 in accordance with Condition 79; and l. Management to deliveries to site. 87 The Consent Holder must implement the certified CTMP. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the CTMP the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Heritage Features 88 The Consent Holder shall maintain a representative photographic record of any potential pre-1900 workings encountered as part of the mining activities authorised by this consent and should also seek to retrieve items from the historic workings that might be useful for displays and interpretation, subject to the safety of staff and the mining activities being undertaken. Site Management Plan (Contaminated Land) 89 At least 40 working days prior to any soil disturbance works occurring in an Area under this consent, the Consent Holder shall provide to the Hauraki District Council a Site Management Plan for certification that satisfies Conditions 90 and 91. Soil disturbance within the Area must not commence until the Consent Holder has received written certification from the Hauraki District Council that the Site Management Plan meets the requirements of Conditions 90 and 91. 90 The purpose of the Site Management Plan is to specify suitable management measures to ensure that that potential contamination risks from soil disturbance to the following are adequately managed: a. the health of workers; b. the on-site environment; and c. the off-site environment (including the health of neighbouring site users). 91 The Site Management Plan must be prepared by a suitable qualified and experienced professional in accordance with Contaminated Land Management Guideline No.1: Reporting on Contaminated Sites in New Zealand, Ministry for the Environment (revised 2021). It must include, but need not be limited to: