Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

33 Condition Explanation vehicle traffic volumes and taking into account any financial assistance received by Council for maintenance. 83 At the completion of construction works at Areas 5, 6 and 7, the Consent Holder shall return Baxter Road to the agreed road pavement condition as identified in the road pavement condition survey carried out in accordance with Condition 80 of this consent at the Consent Holder’s expense and to the satisfaction of the Hauraki District Council, where not otherwise reimbursed in accordance with Condition 82. Parking 84 The Consent Holder must provide sufficient off street parking to accommodate the vehicles of all expected staff, contractors and visitors entering the Mine site, without the need for those persons to park in public areas. The areas shown in Figure X are the parking areas identified in the application documents. Construction Traffic Management Plan 85 At least 40 working days prior to the commencement of activities authorised by this consent the Consent Holder shall submit a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) to the Hauraki District Council for certification. The objective of the CTMP is to describe how the Consent Holder will manage traffic to and from the Mine Site to: a. Protect public safety; and b. Minimise delays to road users. 86 The CTMP must include, at minimum: a. The proposed construction programme, traffic volumes and routes; b. Driver protocols; c. Measures to manage over-weight and over-dimension loads; d. Measures to manage effects on farm operations; e. School bus routes and timetables; f. Communication arrangements; g. Management measures for work within the public road corridor; h. Measures to manage arrivals and departures from Areas over the construction period, including: i. Monitoring of traffic distribution and performance at the intersection of Baxter Road and SH2 during periods of high traffic volume; and ii. An adaptive management approach which triggers modification of management measures where monitoring shows the acceptable levels of service at the intersection are not being achieved;