Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

32 Condition Explanation the consent term or at intervals agreed in writing by the Hauraki District Council. 77 The Consent Holder shall reimburse the Hauraki District Council for the cost of the road pavement maintenance (potholes / surface rutting etc) caused by the activities authorised by this consent. The maintenance cost will be calculated on a pro-rata basis against the baseline heavy vehicle traffic volumes and taking into account any financial assistance received by Council for maintenance. 78 At the completion of the rehabilitation and closure of Area 2, the Consent Holder shall return Willows Road to the agreed road pavement condition as identified in the road pavement condition survey carried out in accordance with Condition 75 of this consent at the consent holder’s expense and to the satisfaction of the Hauraki District Council, where not otherwise reimbursed in accordance with Condition 77. Willows Road Transport 79 The Consent Holder must bus as many shift workers as is practicable associated with construction and mining activities at Area 2 and Wharekirauponga Underground Mine to and from Area 2 to minimise light vehicle movements on Willows Road. Baxter Road 80 At least two months prior to the commencement of construction activities in Areas 5, 6 or 7 the Consent Holder shall engage a suitably qualified road maintenance engineer to prepare a programme to record the condition of the existing road pavement, and the bridge, on Baxter Road. This programme shall be submitted to the Hauraki District Council for approval before the assessment is conducted. The inspection and recording of the road pavement condition, and bridge condition, shall be undertaken in consultation with the Hauraki District Council’s Transportation Manager. The pavement condition rating shall be used as the baseline (including vehicle counts) for assessing the works required to return the road pavement to at least its standard / condition prior to the commencement of the construction works in Areas 5, 6 or 7 during the term of the consent. 81 The Consent Holder shall in conjunction with a Council representative undertake an annual road pavement inspection of Baxter Road during the term of the consent. 82 The Consent Holder shall reimburse the Hauraki District Council for the cost of the road pavement maintenance (potholes / surface rutting etc) caused by the activities authorised by this consent. The maintenance cost will be calculated on a pro-rata basis against the baseline heavy