Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

31 Condition Explanation unless Waka Kotahi provides written confirmation that one or both of these upgrades is not required. The design of the proposed upgrade of the intersection between State Highway 25 and Willows Road shall be subject to an independent design safety audit and post construction safety audit. The audits are to be carried out by safety auditors experienced in highway intersection design, appointed in consultation with Waka Kotahi. Any changes recommended as a result of the safety audits, including design changes and post construction changes, shall be agreed with Hauraki District Council in consultation with Waka Kotahi. 74 The upgrade of Willows Road must include: a. Marking a road centreline over the full length of road; b. Curve seal widening where needed to ensure the design vehicle is able to negotiate all curves within its lane; c. Upgrading the single lane bridge approaches in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings (MOTSAM) for single lane bridge approaches and controls; d. Constructing a 6.0m wide sealed road extension between the end of the existing two way section of the road and the proposed site access in accordance with the HDC Engineering Manual; and e. Constructing a turning head at the end of the existing two-lane road or at the proposed access location to allow the public to turn around. Willows Road Maintenance 75 At least two months prior to the commencement of construction activities in Area 2, and prior to commencing the upgrade of Willows Road required by Condition 74, the Consent Holder shall engage a suitably qualified road maintenance engineer to prepare a programme to record the condition of the existing road pavement, and the bridge, on Willows Road. This programme shall be submitted to the Hauraki District Council for approval before the assessment is conducted. The inspection and recording of the road pavement condition, and bridge condition, shall be undertaken in consultation with the Hauraki District Council’s Transportation Manager. The pavement condition rating shall be used as the baseline (including vehicle counts) for assessing the works required to return the road pavement to at least its standard / condition prior to the commencement of the construction of the Willows Road Surface Facility Area during the term of the consent. 76 The Consent Holder shall in conjunction with a Council representative undertake an annual road pavement inspection of Willows Road during