Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

30 Condition Explanation 69 The processes described in Condition 62 shall be managed by an independent third party engaged and funded by the Consent Holder. 70 Conditions 62 to 69 do not apply if the Consent Holder and the landowner have entered into a separate agreement that constitutes an agreement for the purposes of these conditions. 71 At the commencement of this consent, and annually thereafter until all offers required under Condition 62 have been made, the Consent Holder shall provide a report to Council on the offers made. Transport Willows Road Upgrades 72 The Consent Holder must upgrade Willows Road and the intersection of State Highway 25 and Willows Road at its own cost in accordance with Conditions 73 and 74: a. Prior to vehicle movements associated with the exercise of this consent reaching greater than 40 vehicles per day; or b. No later than six months after construction begins at Area 2; whichever occurs first. The Consent Holder must: c. Submit final designs for the upgrades to the Hauraki District Council for certification that they meet the requirements of Conditions 73 and 74 prior to commencing the upgrade works, including the results of the independent design safety audit required by Condition 73; and d. Provide documentary evidence that the upgrades certified under Condition 72 (a) have been completed. The Consent Holder shall maintain a log of vehicles at the Area 2 access gate for the first six months of construction or until the upgrades required by this condition are complete, whichever occurs earlier. The vehicle log shall be provided to the Hauraki District Council on request. 73 The upgrade of the intersection of Stage Highway 25 and Willows Road must include: a. A right turn bay on SH25 which meets the minimum requirements of the Waka Kotahi Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings Figure 3.25 and meets Waka Kotahi requirements for forward visibility; and b. Widening the left turn into Willows Road shoulder to 3.0 m to provide a left turn lane which meets the requirements of GRD Part 4a, Figure 8.4 for 100 km/h design speed using maximum deceleration rate;