Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

26 Condition Explanation 60 All hazardous substances are to be stored in approved and bunded containment in accordance with the relevant New Zealand Standards and Codes of Practice and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 and Regulations. The Tonkin + Taylor report concludes that use and storage of hazardous substances in accordance with these regulations will sufficiently manage the potential adverse effects of the activities. It does not identify any additional mitigation measures as being necessary. 61 The quantities of the following hazardous substances shall not exceed the stated maximum volume in each Area. a. Area 1: Substance Maximum Volume Storage Location ANFO (UN 0082) 6,100 kg Underground explosives magazines (max 1,000 kg in any chamber) Booster (UN 0042) Packaged explosive (UN 0241) Detonators (UN 0030 / UN 0456 / UN 0360) 100 kg (100,000 articles) Underground chamber (separate to others) Diesel 6,000 L Underground Ammonium nitrate emulsion (ANE) 34,000 kg Oxidiser storage area – underground Gasser 4,000 L Gasser storage area - underground Oils, greases 8,000 L Workshop stores – underground b. Area 2: Substance Maximum Volume Storage Location ANFO (UN 0082) 7,350 kg Explosive magazines compound (max 1,300 kg in any magazine) Booster (UN 0042) Packaged explosive (UN 0241) Detonators (UN 0030 / UN 0456 / UN 0360) 10 kg (10,000 articles) Explosive magazine (separate to others)