Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

25 Condition Explanation i. Existing shelterbelts, trees and hedges at the Willows Road Surface Facility Area outside disturbed areas must be retained where it is practicable to do so; ii. The noise bund must be vegetated or hydroseeded as soon as practicable after construction; iii. Exposed batters supporting all access roads must be finished with rounded edges to integrate within the adjoining landform and all exposed soil must be scarified and seeded with pasture and/or native vegetation to assimilate within the surrounding land cover; iv. The earth mounding at the explosive magazine must be seeded and vegetated as soon as practicable after construction to reduce visibility of buildings; and v. Buildings and structures shall be finished in neutral, recessive colours which relate to their rural setting. c. In Area 5: i. Where practicable the removal of the landform to construct Gladstone Open Pit shall be undertaken from east to west where this would conceal the works from wider views to the south west of the activity; and ii. Where practicable new and replacement structures within the Waihi Surface Facilities Area shall be finished in the same colour palette as the existing structures in that Area. d. In Area 6: i. Temporary topsoil stockpiles must be seeded as is practicable after their establishment and maintained in pasture. e. In Area 7: i. Temporary topsoil stockpiles must be seeded as soon as is practicable after their establishment and maintained in pasture until required for rehabilitation; ii. Rehabilitation of the TSF3 embankment surface shall be progressive as areas of a practical working size become available and shall include the provision of a suitable rooting medium, contouring and drainage as required, to ensure the establishment and maintenance of a surface which will protect water quality and avoid soil erosion; and iii. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Hauraki District Council, the Consent Holder shall revegetate the lift undertaken in the previous season (i.e. the lift undertaken in the previous season is to be revegetated while the current season’s lift is being undertaken). Hazardous Substances Management