Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

24 Condition Explanation 55 The Consent Holder shall provide and maintain a secure fence around activities within Area 2, Area 5, Area 6 and Area 7 and any other area required for public safety purposes including the vent raises within Area 1. 56 On the completion of mining activities authorised by this consent, the Consent Holder shall provide a secure fence around any areas previously subjected to mining activities that require fencing for public safety purposes. These areas shall be specified in the final Rehabilitation and Closure Plan required by Condition C44 of Schedule One. Lighting 57 Any night lighting established in Areas 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 shall be installed, designed and located and shaded in order that the level of lighting measured at the boundary of any site not owned by the Consent Holder or related company, or not subject to an agreement with the Consent Holder or related company, is no greater than 8.0 lux. This condition does not apply to any street light installed for safety purposes insofar as it causes light spill on the public road. 58 Where luminaires are visible from external locations or are high output floodlights: a. They must be installed such that their light producing faces are horizontal to the ground; or b. Luminaires must be aimed away from external locations, i.e. into the site, or c. They must be of luminous intensity not exceeding the limits set out in AS/NZS 4282 for the applicable environmental zone. Landscape Mitigation 59 In addition to the restoration planting required by Condition 171 below, and rehabilitation and closure requirements specified in Conditions C37 – C38 of Schedule One, to mitigate the landscape and visual effects of the activities: a. In Area 1: i. Temporary buildings and structures in the Coromandel Forest Park must be finished in natural, recessive colours and textures which relate to their natural setting. b. In Area 2: