Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

22 Condition Explanation ii. The mitigation actions taken to ensure future compliance in accordance with Condition 45 (a). 50 The Consent Holder shall, prior to the first blast event authorised by this consent, establish a page on its website that will show the recorded vibration magnitude for the last ten blast events for each of the compliance monitors required under Condition 42 (e), (f) and (g). The results of the most recent blast event: a. Must be posted on the Consent Holder’s webpage as soon as practicable after the occurrence of that blast event; but b. Remain provisional for compliance purposes until they are verified. 51 The Consent Holder must provide a summary report to Council at threemonthly intervals on a date agreed in writing by the Hauraki District Council. The report shall include the following: a. Confirmation of actions (including all blasts for maintenance / safety purposes) taken during the previous reporting period; b. All vibration related complaints received during the current reporting period and mitigation actions taken by the Consent Holder; c. Results of vibration monitoring separately for: i. Gladstone Open Pit; ii. The Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel; iii. The Willows Road Access Tunnel; and iv. The Wharekirauponga Underground Mine; and d. All roving monitor data results recorded during the quarter. 52 Monitoring records, reports and complaint schedules shall be stored securely and maintained in a systematic manner for 12 months after completion of all blasting at the underground mine. Records shall be available for perusal by the Hauraki District Council and its representatives on request. Property Damage 53 a. Before undertaking any blasting under this consent, and provided the property owner consents, the Consent Holder shall undertake a BRANZ survey for the houses within a distance of 50m either side of the centre line of the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel. The survey shall identify, in written reports with accompanying photographs, any noted defects which were apparent at the time of the survey. b. The surveys shall be carried out by an independent structural engineer suitably qualified and experienced in domestic building design and construction. The survey reports shall include a visual This is the same protocol as applies to OGNZLs existing blasting activities in Waihi.