Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

21 Condition Explanation e. The monitoring vibration threshold level for individual sites. This shall be set at 0.75 mm/s unless elevated background vibration at a site means an alternative threshold is appropriate; f. Further detail on the AEP as required under Condition 34; g. The properties to be surveyed in accordance with Condition 51; and h. Records to be kept, including blast design data. 46 The Consent Holder must implement the certified Vibration Management Plan. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the Vibration Management Plan the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Management and Reporting 47 Throughout the period of establishing the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel as authorised under this consent, the Consent Holder shall prepare a two-dimensional plan at the start of each calendar month showing the existing Access Tunnel and the proposed areas where blasting will occur and the face of the Access Tunnel will progress during that month. The plan shall be loaded onto a page of the Consent Holder's website. A downloadable pdf version of the plan shall be available from the website and hard copies shall also be available for collection from the Waihi Information Centre and Hauraki District Council’s Waihi Service Centre, and on request. The Consent Holder shall use its best endeavours to restrict its blasting to the work areas defined on the plan recognising that operational constraints prevail and may lead to deviations from the plan during the course of the month. 48 No blasting operations shall be carried out without the written approval of the Senior Site Executive (SSE). Before blasting commences, the SSE shall ensure that the operations will not cause danger, damage or undue discomfort to any person nor danger and damage to property. 49 In the event that blast monitoring shows that the vibration standards in Conditions 28 - 30 have been exceeded, the Consent Holder must: a. Implement mitigation actions to ensure compliance in accordance with the Vibration Management Plan; and b. Submit a report to the Hauraki District Council withing five working days which includes: i. The records for the blast event collected in accordance with Condition 42 (l); and