Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

20 Condition Explanation i. A description of the blast design criteria and blast design review procedures required to achieve the ground vibration level limits specified in Conditions 28 – 30; ii. The numbers, times and duration of blast events, and in general terms the coordination of blasts and steps to minimise the duration of blast events; iii. Procedures to be adopted where vibration levels approach the maximum limits and mitigation actions to be implemented in the event of an exceedance of the ground vibration level limits stated in Conditions 28 – 30; iv. The methods and procedures to be adopted for managing and monitoring of overpressure; v. The methods and procedures identified by the risk assessment required by Condition 33 which are to be adopted to manage flyrock; vi. The methods and procedures to be adopted in deploying the roving monitor(s), data usage from the roving monitors, procedures for converting a roving monitor location to a fixed monitoring location and identifying circumstances where vibration monitoring within structures shall be considered; vii. The methods and procedures for managing vibration related complaints and responses to those complaints; and viii. The methods and procedures for identifying and addressing anomalous vibration results recorded at any monitored site, including sites monitored with roving monitors. b. The fixed monitoring locations to be established in accordance with Condition 42 (e) and (f); c. The locations of the roving monitor to be established in accordance with Condition 42 (g) and (h); d. Measures to be adopted to demonstrate compliance with Condition 30, including: i. The underground monitoring locations to be established in accordance with Condition 42 (h)(i); ii. The software and algorithm to be used to calculate surface vibration using the vibration recorded at those underground monitoring locations; and iii. The location of the representative surface assessment locations where surface vibration will be calculated to assess compliance with Condition 30; and iv. The methodology for undertaking periodic surface monitoring in accordance with Condition 42 (h)(ii) to calibrate the software and algorithm used for calculating surface vibration; Notable exceptions are: - It allows the use of roving monitors for determining compliance for the access tunnels in accordance with the recommendations of the Heilig report; - It requires the monitoring vibration threshold level for individual sites be specified in this document in accordance with the Heilig report. The default value specified in (d) is that the Heilig report identifies as being appropriate in most situations.