Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

19 Condition Explanation xi. Complaints (including the nature of effects, for example rattling window, was the complainant awoken) and whether the vibration mitigation action process has been undertaken (Condition 43); and xii. Design criteria not covered in items (i) to (xi) above. Vibration Management Plan 43 At least 20 working days prior to the first exercise of this consent to undertake blasting activity in each of: a. Gladstone Open Pit; b. The Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel; c. The Willows Road Access Tunnel; d. The Wharekirauponga Mine Dual Tunnel; or e. The Wharekirauponga Underground Mine; the Consent Holder must provide to the Hauraki District Council a Vibration Management Plan which covers the blasting activities associated with that activity for certification. Blasting activities under this consent for an activity listed in (a) – (e) must not commence until the Consent Holder has received written certification from the Hauraki District Council that the Vibration Management Plan meets the requirements of Conditions 44 and 45 insofar as it applies to that activity. Advice Note: This condition allows the Consent Holder to obtain certification for its Vibration Management Plan and commence activities in the individual areas listed in Condition 1(a) on an area-by-area basis if it chooses. For example, it allows the Vibration Management Plan to be submitted and certified insofar as it applies to The Willows Road Access Tunnel such that those activities can commence, prior to the Vibration Management Plan being submitted and certified insofar as it applies to the Gladstone Open Pit. 44 The objectives of the Vibration Management Plan must be to ensure: a. Compliance with Conditions 28 – 30 of this consent; and b. To minimise, the to the extent practicable, the impacts of blasting vibrations on the community, and within Area 1 only – habitat values, in accordance with Condition 32. 45 The Vibration Management Plan must include: a. Measures to be adopted ensure that blast vibrations are minimised to the greatest extent practicable, including, where relevant: The requirements of the Vibration Management Plan align with those in the Project Martha LUC.