Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

18 Condition Explanation Tunnel blasting must include a roving monitor sited at or near a representative residence throughout the period of its development. h. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council the vibration monitoring for the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine must include: i. Monitoring vibration using geophones placed at three locations within the upper levels of the underground mine; and ii. Periodic monitoring on the surface using a roving monitor/ at a frequency sufficient to ensure the accuracy of the predictive algorithm and reliability of the predicted vibration levels at surface assessment locations. i. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council, the overpressure monitoring for Gladstone Open Pit blasting must include fixed monitoring at the site shown in Attachment 3 to this consent. j. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council, the overpressure monitoring for the establishment of portals and underground tunnels within Areas 2, 3 and 5 shall include a temporary monitor sited at or near a representative residence for the first 50m of tunnel development from the portal. k. The fixed monitoring locations shall not be on, or inside, a building or structure. l. Pursuant to Condition 42 (e), (f) or (g), data received from a roving monitor may identify a new or additional permanent monitoring location; m. A roving monitor must be deployed to record vibrations in locations where complaints regarding vibration have been made in accordance with a procedure specified in the Vibration Management Plan required under Conditions 43; and n. A complete record of each blast event must be maintained which includes: i. Types of measurement instrument used; ii. Time and duration of blast event; iii. Locations of blasts; iv. Locations of monitoring positions; v. Distances from the blasts to the monitoring position and nearest residence (except for blasting within Area 1); vi. Measured vibration levels; vii. Total amount of explosive used; viii. Delay sequence of the blast event; ix. Maximum instantaneous charge; x. Volume of rock blasted;