Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

17 Condition Explanation payments if it receives two or more blast events generating vibration of 1.5 mm/s or greater in any month. 38 The AEP does not apply to any unoccupied houses or undeveloped residential property 39 Occupiers of eligible residences shall receive a minimum payment of $250 per six-monthly period. 40 Payments to occupiers of eligible residences shall be calculated sixmonthly, and payment made within two months or as soon as practicable thereafter. 41 Should AEP payments become taxable, the Consent Holder shall not be liable for any taxes associated with the payments. Nor shall the Consent Holder be liable for any future changes to national superannuation or other benefits as a result of an eligible occupier receiving the AEP payments in accordance with this consent. Blasting and Vibration Monitoring 42 a. The Consent Holder must monitor impulsive vibration from all blast events at Gladstone Open Pit, and all blast events associated with the development of the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine, Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel and the Willows Farm Access Tunnel. b. The equipment used for monitoring, equipment calibration and vibration measurement procedures must comply with the current Australian Standard AS2187.2 (or equivalent international standards) and equipment manufacturers’ recommendations. c. The fixed monitoring system must be automated to allow for the prompt analysis of each blast event. d. The monitoring must be conducted by suitably trained personnel, including the installation of roving monitors. e. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council, the vibration monitoring for Gladstone Open Pit blasting must include fixed monitoring at the sites shown the figure annexed as Attachment 3 to this consent throughout the period of its development. f. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council the vibration monitoring for the Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel blasting must include fixed or roving monitoring units at the sites shown in the figure annexed as Attachment 3 to this consent throughout the period of its development. g. Unless otherwise required or confirmed in writing by the Hauraki District Council the vibration monitoring for the Willows Farm Access These monitoring requirements are as per the existing Project Martha land use consent. The monitoring locations specified in clause (e) and (f) are those identified in Figure 8 and 9 of the Heilig vibration assessment as appropriate. In accordance with the recommendations of the Heilig vibration assessment clause (f) and (g) allow use of roving monitors for compliance given the short duration of the effects that would be experienced as the blasting proceeds through the tunnel length.