Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

16 Condition Explanation c. Reporting blast event vibration results in a timely manner. 33 Prior to the commencement of blasting within Gladstone Open Pit, the Consent Holder shall conduct a risk assessment, the objective of which is to minimise the risks associated with flyrock having considered all relevant and material factors including but not limited to: a. Proximity of blasting to any pit crest, neighbouring property and areas with public access; b. Blast design parameters such as stemming length, loading horizon, explosive quantity, explosive density, blast hole inclination, blast orientation and degree of ground fracturing; c. Identification and treatment of any uncharged holes or voids; d. Degree of ground saturation; and e. Potential risk control measures. The assessment shall be facilitated by a person suitably qualified or experienced in risk assessment. The risk control measures, and the methods and procedures for implementing them, shall be set out in the Vibration Management Plan required under Condition 43. 34 While blasting is occurring as provided for by this consent, the Consent Holder must continue to implement the Amenity Effect Programme (“AEP”) in respect of vibration as set out in Conditions 35 – 41 below, provided that owners and / or tenants who have entered into a separate arrangement with the Consent Holder and / or have otherwise agreed not to receive the AEP will not be eligible to receive AEP payments under this condition. 35 The Consent Holder shall use the recorded data from the vibration compliance monitoring network to estimate the vibration received at occupied residences from blasting authorised by this consent, and shall make payments to the occupiers of those residences in accordance with the table and criteria below: Vibration Magnitude (mm/s) Payment Per Blast Event ($) 1.5 – 3.5 19.39 ≥ 3.5 58.07 ≥ 5 193.92 ≥ 6 385.64 36 The stated payment rates are those existing at 1 January 2020. The rates will be adjusted for the start of each calendar year by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by Statistics New Zealand and made publicly available on the Consent Holder’s website. 37 An occupied residence (including properties lawfully used for residential purposes in the Town Centre Zone) shall be eligible to receive AEP