Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

15 Condition Explanation 30 a. For all blasting within Area 1 the peak particle velocity (vector sum) at the surface shall be no more than 15 mm/s for 95% of blast events. b. Compliance with this limit shall be determined by: i. Monitoring vibration at three representative locations within the upper levels of the underground mine; and ii. Using a predictive algorithm and the vibration recorded at the three underground locations to calculate vibration at representative assessment locations on the surface. The predictive algorithm for assessing compliance in this manner is to be included in the Vibration Management Plan required by Condition 42 and certified by the Hauraki District Council. This condition requires vibration in the Coromandel Forest Park to be generally in accordance with that described in the Heilig report on which the assessment of effects on Archey’s Frog and recreation was based. 31 When applying Conditions 28 and 29: a. The percentile calculations must be based upon all recorded vibration data that exceeds the pre-set threshold level set in the Vibration Management Plan required by Condition 42. Where the level of vibration does not exceed the threshold level of vibration, the blast must not be included in the calculation of the 95% statistics. b. For the initial 100 blast events at: i. Gladstone Open Pit; ii. Wharekirauponga Access Tunnel and Portal; and iii. Willows Access Tunnel and Portal; no more than five exceedances of 5mm/s shall be deemed to be compliant with the 95 percent limit stated. When applying Conditions 28, 29 and 30: c. Subject to (b), compliance with the 95% a limit must be measured over a six-month rolling period. d. A ‘Blast Event’ is defined as: An individual or number of linked individual blasts. These requirements are as per the Project Martha LUC. As per the recommendations in the Heilig report (a) requires the threshold level for applicable vibration be set in the Vibration Management Plan. In accordance with the Heilig report Condition 43 specifies a default value of 0.75 mm/s be used unless location specific circumstances dictate an alternative number is appropriate. Minimising, Mitigating and Compensating Blasting Impacts 32 In addition to complying with the requirements of Conditions 28 - 30, the Consent Holder must minimise, to the extent practicable, the impacts of blasting vibrations on the community, and within Area 1 only - habitat. The measures to be applied in this regard shall be set out in the Vibration Management Plan required by Condition 43, and must include, but not be limited to: a. Restricting the duration of blast events to the minimum consistent with safe and efficient mining operations; b. Implementing timely blast notification procedures using a methodology appropriate for the receiving environment; and