Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

14 Condition Explanation low density residential or town centre zoned site that is lawfully used for residential purposes, or the notional boundary of any occupied rural dwelling. 27 The standards in Conditions 28 and 29 must not apply to any property or site that is: a. Owned by the Consent Holder or a related company; or b. Owned by a third party which is subject to either a registered covenant or a written agreement (a copy of which is provided to the Hauraki District Council) whereby vibration effects on the property caused by activities authorised under this consent are not to be taken into account for monitoring and compliance purposes. 28 For all blasting within Areas 2, 3 and 5 associated with the establishment of portals and underground tunnels: a. The peak particle velocity (vector sum) at the surface must be no more than: i. 5mm/s for 95% of blast events between the hours of 0700 and 2000, Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays); and ii. 1mm/s for 95% of blast events at all other times. b. The duration of the underground development blasts shall be limited to no more than 12 seconds. c. Compliance with the 95% limit must be determined based on the highest recorded vibration for each blast event measured at any monitor installed in accordance with Condition 42(f) or 42(g). d. The maximum overpressure must not be greater than 120 dBL for any blast These are the limits recommended in the Heilig vibration report. It allows night time blasting but subject to a much more stringent vibration limit. 29 For all Gladstone Open Pit Blasting within Area 5: a. Blasting must only be undertaken between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm on Monday to Saturday. No blasting may be undertaken outside these hours or on public holidays. b. The peak particle velocity (vector sum) at the surface must be no more than 5mm/s for 95% of blast events between the hours of 0700 and 1800. c. Compliance with the 95% limit must be determined based on the highest recorded vibration for each blast event measured at any monitor installed in accordance with Condition 42(e). d. The maximum overpressure must not be greater than 120 dBL for any blast. These are the limits recommended in the Heilig vibration report.