Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

13 Condition Explanation ensure the emission of noise from the activities does not exceed a reasonable level. activities irrespective of the consent limits imposed on the consent 24 In order to achieve the objectives specified in Condition 23 above, the Noise Management Plan must as a minimum, address the following matters: a. The proposed measures to be used to control noise generated by activities and ensure compliance with Conditions 14 and 18; b. Monitoring and reporting requirements to demonstrate compliance with Conditions 14 and 18; c. Any additional measures required in a particular environment to ensure the requirements of section 16 of the RMA are met; d. The procedures that will be followed by the Consent Holder should any complaint in relation to noise be received; and e. The role of the Consent Holder’s staff in the management of noise and the nomination of specific staff member(s) responsible for overseeing the implementation and upkeep of the Noise Management Plan. The Noise Management Plan must include a specific section which demonstrates how operational activities at the Gladstone Open Pit and the Processing Plant upgrade will be undertaken to achieve compliance with Condition 18. It shall include, as necessary: f. The activity and location of proposed works; g. The timing and duration of the activity; h. The equipment to be used and sound power levels for that equipment; i. Updated noise modelling for the operation of Gladstone Open Pit and work associated with the upgrade of the Processing Plant; and j. Use of real time monitoring (or alternative means approved by the Hauraki District Council) to provide verification of compliance and to inform the scheduling and adaptation of activities so that compliance with Condition 18 is ensured. This condition specifies the minimum contents of the Noise Management Plan. It contains additional requirements in respect of GOP because the noise modelling shows those activities may, without appropriate management, exceed noise limits in condition 15 at a number of properties. The measures listed in (f) – (j) are those the Marshall Day report considers necessary to include in the Noise Management Plan for the Hauraki District Council and public to have confidence the activity will be / is being managed to achieve the consent limits in Condition 15. 25 The Consent Holder must implement the certified Noise Management Plan. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the Noise Management Plan the conditions of this consent shall prevail. Blasting and Vibration 26 All blast events must comply with the limits and standards set out in Conditions 28 and 29 as measured at the boundary of any residential,