Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

12 Condition Explanation a. Assess and record representative noise levels from all activities in accordance with Condition 19 at intervals not exceeding three months; and b. Providing a summary report on compliance with Condition 18 to the Hauraki District Council following the completion of each monitoring event. OGNZL’s Project Martha resource consents. 21 The operational noise limits in Condition 18 do not apply to any property or site that is: a. Owned by the Consent Holder or a related company; or b. Owned by a third party which is subject to either a registered covenant or a written agreement (a copy of which is provided to the Hauraki District Council) whereby noise effects on the property caused by activities authorised under this consent are not to be taken into account for monitoring and compliance purposes). This clause applies to all of OGNZLs existing resource consents. Noise Management Plan (Construction and Operational) 22 At least 20 working days prior to undertaking any activity in any individual Area listed in Condition 1(a), the Consent Holder must provide to the Hauraki District Council a Noise Management Plan which covers the construction and operational activities to be undertaken in that Area for certification that it satisfies Conditions 23 and 26. Activities under this consent in an Area listed in Condition 1(a) must not commence until the Consent Holder has received written certification from the Hauraki District Council that the Noise Management Plan meets the requirements of Conditions 23 and 25 insofar as it applies to that Area. Advice Note: This condition allows the Consent Holder to obtain certification for its Noise Management Plan and commence activities in the individual areas listed in Condition 1(a) on an area by area basis if it chooses. For example, it allows the Noise Management Plan to be submitted and certified insofar as it applies to Area 1 such that activities can commence in that Area, prior to the Noise Management Plan being submitted and certified insofar as it applies to Area 7. 23 The objectives of the Noise Management Plan must be to ensure: a. The activities authorised by this consent comply with the requirements of Conditions 14 and 18 of this resource consent; and b. Noise from the activities authorised by this consent is managed in accordance with the requirements of section 16 of the Resource Management Act 1991, so as to adopt the best practicable option to This condition specifies the objective of the Noise Management Plan and the consent conditions it is designed to assist with implementing. Note the section 16 requirement referred to applies to the