Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

11 Condition Explanation ii. Placement and compaction of the Tailing Storage Facility 3 initial embankment foundation, Zone A and geomembrane liner materials; and iii. Foundation preparation for the soil stockpiles and then stripping and consolidating soil from construction activities. 14 The noise level arising from construction activities listed in Condition 13 must comply with New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise” (NZS 6803). These are the construction noise limits recommended in the Marshall Day noise report 15 The construction noise limits in Condition 14 do not apply to any property or site that is: a. Owned by the Consent Holder or a related company; or b. Owned by a third party which is subject to either a registered covenant or a written agreement (a copy of which is provided to the Hauraki District Council) whereby noise effects on the property caused by activities authorised under this consent are not to be taken into account for monitoring and compliance purposes. This clause applies to all of OGNZL’s existing resource consents. 16 Construction noise shall be managed, measured and assessed in accordance with New Zealand Standard NZS6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise. 17 The Consent Holder must: a. Assess and record representative noise levels from construction activities in accordance with Condition 16 at weekly intervals; and b. Provide a summary report on compliance with Condition 14 to the Hauraki District Council every three months. This is the same monitoring frequency as is required on OGNZL’s Project Martha resource consents for construction activities. Operational Noise 18 The noise level arising from activities authorised by this consent must not exceed the limits specified below when measured at or within the boundary of any residentially zoned site or the notional boundary of any occupied dwelling in the Rural Zone: 0700 - 2200 Monday to Saturday 50 dB LAeq All other times 40 dB LAeq 2200 – 0700 (the following day) 70 dB LAFmax These are the noise limits recommended in the Marshall Day noise report. They apply to all activities not listed as ‘construction activities’ in Condition 13. 19 Operational noise must be measured in accordance with the provisions of New Zealand Standard NZS6801:2008 Acoustics – Measurement of Environmental Sound and assessed in accordance with the provisions of New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 Acoustics – Environmental Noise. 20 The Consent Holder must: This is the same monitoring frequency as is required on