Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

10 Condition Explanation v. Deconstruction works on closure of the facilities, e.g. removal of infrastructure and earthworks, and rehabilitation for future land use b. Within Area 1: i. All vent shaft construction and evasée installations (including helicopter operations). c. Within Area 2: i. All construction of and within the Willows Road Surface Facilities Area, and of all site roads and access tracks; ii. Construction of Willows Portal, initial sections of the underground tunnels, and associated infrastructure; iii. Upgrades required to Willows Road and SH25 intersection; and iv. Rock stack preparatory work, including subsoil and topsoil stripping and stockpiling, foundations, underdrains, surface water diversion drains and silt ponds. d. Within Area 3: i. Construction of the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Access Tunnel portal. e. Within Area 4: i. Construction of the Services Trench from Willows Road to the Processing Plant. f. Within Area 5: i. Relocation of overhead powerlines; ii. Construction of the crusher and the conveyor system; iii. Construction of noise barriers (bunds or walls) and soil stockpiles; iv. Initial stripping of soil, subsoil and overburden within the footprint of the Gladstone Open Pit for the purpose of noise bund construction and soil stockpiling; v. Construction of MUG portal, initial sections of the underground drives, and associated infrastructure; and vi. All activities associated with installing replacement and new facilities within the Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant. g. Within Area 6: i. Rock stack preparatory work, including subsoil and topsoil stripping and stockpiling, and the construction of foundations, compacted liner, underdrains, surface water diversion drains and silt ponds; and ii. Relocation of existing facilities: workshop and amenities. h. Within Area 7: i. Construction of the upstream clean water diversion drains;