Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

9 Condition Explanation c. In the event the Consent Holder submits a request for a material amendment to a management plan under Condition 11(a), the Hauraki District Council will use its best endeavours to consider the material amendment within 10 Working Days of receipt of the request, noting that expert input may be required before Certification can be provided. If the Hauraki District Council is unable to consider the material amendment within 10 Working Days, it shall notify the Consent Holder and advise a revised timeframe. Regardless, the Hauraki District Council will use its best endeavours to consider the material amendment within a total of 20 Working Days of receipt. d. Provided that the Consent Holder has not been advised of a revised timeframe under Condition 11(c) the Hauraki District Council shall, no later than 10 Working Days of receipt of the material amendment, confirm in writing to the Consent Holder that the material amendment is either certified or declined, or shall request that the Consent Holder incorporate changes suggested by the Hauraki District Council. If a revised timeframe has been advised, confirmation shall be made in accordance with that timeframe. e. Should the Hauraki District Council decline to certify the material amendment or request the incorporation of changes to the material amendment, the Consent Holder may then resubmit a revised material amendment to the management plan. The certification process for a revised material amendment shall follow the same process described above in Conditions 11 (a) to (d). Location of Various Mining Activities 12 The Gladstone Open Pit, Gladstone Open Pit TSF, Northern Rock Stack, Tailings Storage Facility 3 and Willows Rock Stack shall occupy land outside the area shown in Map 1 – 5 annexed as Attachment 2 to this consent. Construction Noise 13 The construction noise conditions in Conditions 14, 15, 16 and 17 apply to the following activities authorised as part of this consent: a. Within all Areas: i. Construction of access roads ii. Clearance of vegetation, subsoils and topsoil; iii. Excavation of unsuitable materials and backfilling of the excavations where necessary; iv. Construction of clean and dirty water drains, underdrains, and silt and collection ponds as required; and These are the activities that the Marshall Day noise report has recommended by subject to the construction noise limits .