Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

8 Condition Explanation decision within 40 Working Days from receipt of the management plan(s)). c. If 20 Workings Days have passed since the management plan(s) has been provided to the Hauraki District Council, and the Hauraki District Council has not advised the Consent Holder of a revised timeframe under Condition 10(a), or certified or declined to certify the management plan(s) in accordance with Condition 10(b), then the management plan(s) shall be deemed to be certified and the Consent Holder may commence Works in accordance with the management plan(s) as provided. Minor Amendments to Management Plans 10 a. The Consent Holder may make minor amendments to the management plans at any time. For the purpose of this condition, a ‘minor amendment’ is either a small change to the content of the Management Plan which has either no or a de minimis adverse environmental effect or is a change which would result in an improved environmental outcome. Any changes to the management plans shall remain consistent with the objectives and performance standards of the management plan and the resource consent conditions. b. The Consent Holder shall submit, in writing, the minor amendment to the Hauraki District Council at least 10 Working Days before Works associated with the amendment are to be implemented. The Consent Holder shall maintain a record of all minor amendments. c. If the Hauraki District Council considers that the amendment is a material amendment in accordance with Condition 11(a), then it must notify the Consent Holder within 5 Working Days of receipt of the amendment and then consider the amendment in accordance with Condition 11. If the Consent Holder does not receive notice from the Hauraki District Council under Condition 10(b), any Works associated with the minor amendment may proceed. Material Amendments to Management Plans 11 a. The Consent Holder may make material amendments to the management plans at any time, subject to the certification of the Hauraki District Council. A material amendment is any amendment that is not a minor amendment in accordance with Condition 10. b. Any material amendment to the management plans shall meet the objectives and performance requirements of the management plan and these resource consent conditions.