Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

6 Condition Explanation ii. The upgrade of Willows Road and the Willows Road / State Highway 25 intersection; iii. The operation of the conveyor in a reverse direction; and iv. Restoration and enhancement planting, habitat enhancement and pest control. 3 The activities authorised by this consent shall be undertaken in general accordance with the information contained in the Assessment of Environmental Effects (23 June 2022) and supporting technical documents submitted by OceanaGold New Zealand Limited (“the Consent Holder”) to the Hauraki District Council in support of its resource consent applications for the Waihi North Project under the Resource Management Act 1991 (“Act”), and as amended by the conditions below. In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between the documents noted above and the conditions of this consent, the conditions shall be determinative. 4 Pursuant to Section 125(1) of the Act, this consent shall lapse if not given effect to within ten years of the date of commencement of this consent. 5 Pursuant to Section 123(b) of the Act, this consent is for an unlimited period. 6 At least 20 working days prior to the first exercise of this consent, the Consent Holder shall advise the Hauraki District Council in writing of the date upon which the exercise of this consent is to be commenced. Schedule One 7 The Consent Holder shall comply with the common conditions between the Hauraki District Council and the Waikato Regional Council in Schedule One as relevant to the management of the mining and rehabilitation activities authorised by this consent. Advice Note: Schedule One includes conditions which address the following: a. Tangata Whenua Conditions; b. Annual Work Programme; c. Company Liaison Officer; d. Complaints Procedure; e. Accidental Discovery Protocols; f. Dewatering and Settlement Monitoring and Management Plan; g. Dewatering and Settlement Monitoring Report; h. Peer Review Panel;