Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

5 Condition Explanation v. The establishment and use of water management infrastructure including diversion drains, pumps, pipelines and silt and collection ponds; vi. The temporary and permanent storage of rock; vii. The formation and use of internal access roads; viii. Mitigation planting / biodiversity enhancement; ix. The use and storage of hazardous substances; x. The erection of internal signs to provide directions, safety instructions and information for staff and visitors within the site; xi. The relocation of an existing overhead powerline; xii. Change of land use at a HAIL site associated with rehabilitation works; and xiii. Rehabilitation and closure activities. h. Within Area 7: i. The installation of security fencing; ii. The clearance of indigenous vegetation within a SNA; iii. Vegetation clearance and stripping topsoil and subsoil from the Tailings Storage Facility 3 footprint, including within several unnamed stream beds and drains; iv. The establishment and use of soil and non-acid forming material stockpiles adjacent to Tailings Storage Facility 3; v. The establishment and use of water management infrastructure including diversion drains, perimeter drains, subsurface drains, pipelines and silt and collection ponds including the realignment of a section of the Ruahorehore Stream; vi. Extension of existing Tailings Storage Facility services to Tailings Storage Facility 3, including electricity for the leachate and pumping systems, existing tailings delivery lines, decant water return pipes and electricity for the decant return pumps, and extension of the overhead powerline; vii. Construction of the Tailings Storage Facility 3 embankment and impoundment, including placement of soil and geomembrane liners; viii. The discharge of tailings; ix. The formation and use of internal access roads; x. Mitigation planting / biodiversity enhancement; xi. The use and storage of hazardous substances; xii. The erection of internal signs to provide directions, safety instructions and information for staff and visitors within the site; xiii. Change of land use at a HAIL site associated with rehabilitation works; and xiv. Rehabilitation and closure activities. i. Outside the Biodiversity Project Area and Areas 1 – 7: i. The upgrade and use of the Kenny Street carpark;