Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

180 CONSENT TYPE AND ACTIVITIES AUTHORISED S15 To discharge overburden to land in the TSF3 Soil Stockpiles. LOCATION Area 7 TERM 35 years LAPSE PERIOD 10 years Schedule One – Common Conditions Which Apply to All Waikato Regional Council and Hauraki District Council Consents 1 The Consent Holder shall comply with the common conditions between the Hauraki District Council and the Waikato Regional Council in Schedule One as relevant to the management of activities authorised by this consent. Schedule Two – General Conditions Which Apply to All Waikato Regional Council Consents 2 The Consent Holder shall comply with the general conditions in Schedule Two which apply to all Waikato Regional Council consents as relevant to the activities authorised by this consent Note: Schedule Two contains a comprehensive suite of Erosion and Sediment Control Conditions. General Requirements 3 At least 20 working days prior to the first exercise of this consent, the Consent Holder shall advise the Waikato Regional Council in writing of the date upon which the exercise of this consent is to be physically commenced. Stockpile Management 4 Stockpiling of ore or potentially acid forming rock shall occur only at the sites specifically prepared for that purpose. 5 Preparation of stockpile sites for the temporary storage of soil prior to the placement of material shall include: a. Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil and subsoils for later use in site rehabilitation. b. Construction of clean water diversion drains around the site to divert and discharge clean surface run-off and intercepted groundwater in accordance with consent [cross reference relevant diversion consent]. c. Construction of diversion drains around the site perimeter to divert stockpile run-off to sediment retention ponds for sediment reduction prior to discharge.