Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

173 accordance with best practice. The Peer Review Panel shall report in writing to the Waikato Regional Council at least at the following times: a. prior to commencement of construction of TSF3; b. at all critical stages during the ongoing design and construction of TSF3 but not less than annually; c. on the completion of TSF3; d. following any significant design changes; and e. prior to commencement of approved post closure discharge to the Ohinemuri River from the tailings pond; and shall address at least the following matters: f. progress against the Annual Work Programme, g. site preparation including hydrogeological issues and geotechnical issues, h. foundation design and use of on-site material, i. embankment design and construction, j. all underdrainage systems, k. tailings impoundment management, l. monitoring, and m. rehabilitation and closure plans associated with the embankment and tailings pond.