Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

172 to the Waikato Regional Council for certification in accordance with Condition 30 annually. 35 The Consent Holder must implement the certified TSF3 Monitoring and Management Plan. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the conditions of this consent and the TSF3 Monitoring and Management Plan the conditions of this consent shall prevail. TSF3 Monitoring Report 36 The Consent Holder shall provide to the Waikato Regional Council an annual TSF3 Monitoring report. The report shall include at least the following information: a. The data from monitoring undertaken during the previous year. b. Identification of any environmentally important trends associated with the above monitoring. c. Interpretation and analysis of any change in groundwater chemistry over the previous year and predictions of any future changes in groundwater or surface water to identify what contingency actions, if any, it proposes to take in response to these predictions. d. Any contingency actions that may have been taken during the previous year. e. Comment on compliance with all conditions and any reasons for non-compliance or difficulty in achieving conformance with the conditions of this consent. f. A summary and analysis of complaints relevant to this consent, from the complaint log (refer Schedule One). g. Any works that have been undertaken to improve environmental performance or that are proposed to be undertaken in the forthcoming year to improve environmental performance in relation to activities permitted by this consent. The report shall be forwarded in a format acceptable to the Waikato Regional Council. The Consent Holder may comply with Condition 36 by incorporating the TSF3 Monitoring Report into an overarching monitoring report which covers the Consent Holders various rock and tailings storage facilities. Peer Review Panel 37 The design and construction of all works covered by this consent shall be peer reviewed (refer to common conditions in Schedule One). The purpose of the peer review is to ensure that the conditions of design, construction, operation and maintenance of TSF3 are met and that such work is undertaken by the appropriately qualified personnel, in