Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

171 a. A risk management plan for TSF3 which is in accordance with the Australian/New Zealand Standards for Risk Management (AS/NZS 4360:1999) or any subsequent replacement standard. The purposes of the risk management plan shall be to: i. identify and assess the operational risks relating to TSF3, ii. develop risk reduction actions where assessed risks are not at an acceptable level, and, iii. develop an appropriate monitoring programme. b. A structural integrity surveillance and monitoring programme for the embankment of TSF3 which conforms with the requirements of the current New Zealand Dam Safety Guidelines. c. A description of the tailings storage facility monitoring systems and the measures to be adopted to ensure compliance with General Condition G33, including: i. The details of the monitoring bores to be established in accordance with Condition 25 to detect seepage escaping the underdrainage system, and to determine the representative groundwater quality for shallow and deeper groundwater around the perimeter of land owned by the Consent Holder. ii. Details of the “scan monitoring” in both shallow and deep aquifer systems to be undertaken in accordance with Condition 27; iii. The trigger levels for pH, conductivity and water levels which are set in accordance with Condition 28; iv. A contingency plan to be actioned in the event a trigger level is exceeded over two consecutive readings, and which is sufficient to assess the source of the change, and to determine what, if any, mitigation measures should be implemented to ensure that General Condition G33 is complied with; and v. The measurement and monitoring of the liner and cover system integrity (by measuring drainage quality and flow from all underdrainage and surface collection systems) in order to verify the "as built" structure is achieving predicted design performance objectives. In detailing the monitoring programmes the Consent Holder shall provide information on the monitoring methods proposed, the monitoring locations, parameters to be monitored, and the calibration and maintenance of monitoring equipment. 33 Construction works must not commence until the TSF3 Monitoring and Management Plan required by Conditions 30 – 32 has been certified by the Waikato Regional Council. 34 The Consent Holder shall review and update (as necessary) the TSF3 Monitoring and Management Plan and shall provide such updated Plan