Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

168 the minimum requirement, the water level shall be drawn down as soon as practicable to restore the full freeboard. 16 The Consent Holder shall provide the Peer Review Panel with all records, plans, designs, etc, that they request, and shall afford the Panel full access to the site at all reasonable times. 17 The Consent Holder shall retain a person or persons with recognised documented experience in the design of tailings storage facilities (the Engineer of Record). All aspects of the design of this facility shall be undertaken under the supervision of the Engineer of Record, who shall prior to the first discharge of tailings to this impoundment and prior to commissioning of subsequent embankment stages, provide to Waikato Regional Council written confirmation that all aspects of this structure have been suitably investigated and properly and safely designed in accordance with currently accepted engineering practise, and designed to a standard adequate for the effective control of acid rock drainage and the containment of tailings. 18 The Consent Holder shall obtain building consent for the TSF3 and collection ponds classified as large dams under the Building Act 2004 and its regulations and supply at least the following documentation to the Waikato Regional Council (if it is not the responsible building consent authority in relation to TSF3) prior to commencement of the waste rock embankment construction works: a. Building Consent Certificate b. Approved Detailed Design Report c. Approved Construction Drawings d. Approved Specification All subsequent amendments to the design, and the designs for each subsequent stage, shall be supplied to the Waikato Regional Council prior to implementation and following Peer Review. 19 All construction works shall be implemented under the supervision of persons with appropriate and documented experience in the supervision of civil engineering construction works. The Consent Holder shall supply to the Waikato Regional Council a full set of as-built plans for each completed stage of the TSF3 development. 20 The Consent Holder shall be responsible for the structural integrity and maintenance of the works associated with the exercise of these consents and for any erosion control and energy dissipation works which become necessary as a consequence of the exercise of these consents. 21 On completion of the initial embankment structure construction works and each subsequent stage (i.e. immediately prior to the first discharge of tailings into the impoundment) and prior to commissioning of