Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

167 Any such pad shall be constructed from or lined with at least 600 mm of natural, non-acid forming materials with a permeability of less than or equal to 1x10-8 m/s. The pads shall be constructed to direct any seepage so that it reports to a point from where it can be monitored, and if necessary, directed to the Water Treatment Plant for treatment prior to discharge. Monitoring of the groundwater down-gradient of any such storage pad shall be undertaken. That monitoring may form part of any monitoring programme already undertaken at the Site. 10 The Consent Holder shall install an underdrainage system beneath the TSF3 embankment and impoundment liner to collect contaminated seepage and groundwater. 11 The Consent Holder shall ensure that this underdrainage system is in place prior to the discharge of tailings to TSF3. 12 The disposal of material containing brine or hydrocarbons within the embankment is authorised. The volume of all contaminated material disposed of within the embankments shall be detailed within the annual TSF3 Monitoring Report as required via Condition 36. 13 Until final capping is complete, the Consent Holder shall ensure that the pH of a slurry of one part solid (less than 4 mm size fraction) to two parts deionised water, of the surface of exposed PAF rock (after liming) remains greater than or equal to pH 5.5. Unless Waikato Regional Council agrees to an alternative sampling programme in writing, samples shall be collected on a grid pattern of not more than 50 m and, where practical, within 1 week of placement of the PAF rock and then at intervals not exceeding 4 weeks. This test is designed to help determine the potential for acid generation and sulphate release from waste rock. The procedure for collecting and analysing the samples shall be as described in the TSF3 Monitoring and Management Plan 14 The Consent Holder shall, unless otherwise authorised in writing by Waikato Regional Council, collect all underdrainage flow from the tailings storage facility and divert it to the Water Treatment Plant for treatment or for use in the process plant. 15 The embankment structure shall incorporate a minimum freeboard above all material in the tailings pond (i.e. solid and liquid). This level shall be sufficient to impound the surface run-off arising from the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) event without overtopping, plus 1.0 m. Following rainfall or any event that reduces the freeboard below