Proposed Resource Consent Conditions

166 3 At least 20 working days prior to the first exercise of this consent, the Consent Holder shall advise the Waikato Regional Council in writing of the date upon which the exercise of this consent is to be physically commenced. Design and Construction 4 Tailings Storage Facility 3 (TSF3) shall not materially exceed the footprints shown in the figure annexed as Attachment 1 to this consent. 5 The TSF3 embankment crest shall not materially exceed an elevation of 155 m RL (Mine Datum less 1000 m). 6 TSF3 shall be constructed in general accordance with the design outlined in the consent application, in particular, the following TSF3 design document prepared by Engineering Geology Limited which was included in Part H of the application documents “Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited –Waihi Operation, New Zealand–Tailings Storage and Rock Disposal Volume 3 –Proposed Tailings Storage Facility 3 RL155 –Technical Report” (the EGL Design Report) 7 The Consent Holder must ensure the entire footprint of the TSF3 embankment and tailing impoundment is underlain by a low permeability liner which provides for secure long term containment and which: a. Has no acid forming potential; b. Has a permeability of not greater than 1x10-8 m/s; and, c. If constructed of natural materials, has a minimum thickness of 750 mm, or, if constructed wholly or partly from synthetic materials the design shall provide for protection against damage or penetration of the liner during construction and operation. In addition the Consent Holder shall line all leachate drains with a 3 m wide 1.5 mm HDPE (or other similar synthetic liner approved by the Waikato Regional Council). 8 The Consent Holder shall ensure all perimeter drains are constructed from or lined with materials which provide for secure long term containment and which: a. Have no acid forming potential; and b. Are lined with 1.5 mm HDPE (or other similar synthetic liner approved by the Waikato Regional Council) to a height of 0.3 m from the base, and with a 0.5 m protective cover layer. 9 The Consent Holder shall ensure that all PAF material stored outside the footprint of TSF3 embankment, and which is intended for disposal into TSF3 embankment, shall only be stored on a pad constructed in accordance with the requirements set out below.